Story of My Family!!!俺の家の話
Now sidelined due to injury and age, former pro-wrestling star Juichi Miyama was once groomed by his father, Jusaburo, an acclaimed Noh actor and “Living National Treasure,” to be his successor. But the young Juichi rebelled, left home, and cut off ties with his family. Now he’s just learned that his father, having miraculously survived a critical illness, intends to marry his young caregiver and leave all his money to her. So Juichi decides to return home to help with his father’s care, setting the stage for a showdown between Juichi’s family on one side and his father’s mysterious caregiver on the other.

(75 mins × 2 ep / 60 mins × 8 eps)
Tokyo Drama Awards 2021 Series Drama Grand Prix
STAFF from TBS Sparkle
Erika Toda / 戸田恵梨香
Kento Nagayama / 永山絢斗
Noriko Eguchi / 江口のりこ
Kai Inowaki / 井之脇海
Shunsuke Michieda / 道枝駿佑(なにわ男子 / 関西ジャニーズJr.)
Jinsei Hamura / 羽村仁成(ジャニーズJr.)
Shuichiro Katsumura / 勝村周一朗
Riki Choshu / 長州 力
Yoshiyoshi Arakawa / 荒川良々
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